
Thumper is a 13yo BLM gelding burro available for purchase for $125. He will lead , load, and pick up all four feet before she goes home. Burros make great hiking companions, trail animals and livestock guardians. You can even ride them! Remember that burros have a longer lifespan than horses and typically live beyond 30. Due to his age, Thumper is available for Purchase from the BLM for $125. There is still an application process.

March 12, 2016
Thumper attended an adoption event in Apple Valley. He did not find a home at the event but handled leading, loading and the crowd and music with ease!

March 6, 2016

Thumper’s training has been going well. He leads, ties and picks up all four feet. We’re still working on haltering and will teach him to trailer load but all in all he’s a pretty easy going guy who is taking to his training very naturally.

March 2, 2016 – Arrival




Tag # 0362 1676

YOB: 2003

HMA: McGee Mountain

Gather Date:

Height: TBD



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