Sponsor A BLM Trip!

Mustang Heritage Foundation currently has the Trainer Incentive Program on hold due to sequestration. That means trainers can no longer pick up blm horses and receive compensation from the program for the training, time, and care provided during the gentling process. I have found gentling mustangs to be extremely rewarding and I feel that finding adopters is beneficial for both the horse and the human.

As part of the TIP program I selected and then trained mustangs from my local BLM facility. I am willing to continue to do the same but cannot without assistance for at least the basic costs involved. I have calculated that it would cost approximately $500 to pickup 2 mustangs and care for them until they meet training requirements. I will donate my facility (even though I have existing stalls…there are ALWAYS repairs), video / photographing equipment, training, and time.

I’ll keep a blog on each individual horse as I have for all of my TIP horses and attempt to find them adoptive homes.

Personal Note: I do not consider adopting or placing mustangs as “rescuing”. If you feel like you would like to make a donation to “rescue” a horse there are MANY horse rescues out there you can donate to. In my opinion a rescue horse is one that is being removed from a dangerous or neglectful situation such as abuse or starvation. BLM Mustangs are well fed and have all of their health needs met by BLM wranglers. BLM mustangs at BLM facilities do not need to be rescued.

Use the button below and enter the amount of the gift you would like to make. In the “notes” section please put the name or company to reference for the gift. If it is blank I will just list as anonymous. I will always try to pick up 2 horses within 2 weeks of receiving full funding for a trip. This will depend on my work schedule and the ability for me to get time off to make the trip.Unused funds will be applied towards the next trip or continuing feed should a horse need to stay beyond 30 days.

Gifted funds are just that and will not be returned, unless, for some reason I am unable to pick up a horse. In that case I will return all gifted money.

One thought on “Sponsor A BLM Trip!

  1. Pingback: Adoption Program | FamilyHorses.net

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