Update 01/13/2013: Biscuit has found an adopter and will be moving to Norco, CA
Biscuit had two days off due to my work schedule. Tonight it was way past dark when I got home but I haltered him. I had to convince him I wasn’t a horse eating monster…I guess I don’t look the same at night! Once I was able to walk up to him I walked away and re-approached him a few more times without haltering him. This was his first time being haltered in the dark so I wasn’t expecting much and was pleased at how nice he was. I led him around the property a bit. He was snorty but didn’t challenge the line. I finished by moving him to a different pen for the night. He was worried about crossing the stall thresholds both coming out of his regular pen and going into the new pen. He really thinks about though and then comes on forward on his own. I never had to ask him to come through the gate. I walked through in a normal leading position and when he didn’t immediately follow I waited, he came through on his own. Although it took a minute or two for him to leave his pen, he never stopped trying he just had to work up the courage. Quite amusing to watch actually. Such a smart guy!
The photo is some Burro mamma’s and their babies that were up at BLM Ridgecrest Facility when I visited for their Halloween open house. It was too dark to take a picture of Biscuit so I thought you might all appreciate the cutest little fuzzy pink burro baby ever!!